Category archives: looks



Fail of the Day: Victoria'S Secret's Photoshoppers Need to Take More Online Tutorials. Or Learn What a Woman Looks Like

There's something really wrong with this Victoria Secret photoshop.

Take a seat, Victoria’s Secret. We need to talk.

Wait, it looks like you already took a seat.

The underwear seller thought there was nothing wrong when they posted this picture to their Facebook page. Obviously, their overeager graphic designers took more than their fair share away from this model.

Her left leg just keeps on going.

What makes the post even funnier is that Victoria’s Secret shared it with the sub heading, “Truly. Madly. Cheeky.”

The commenters weren’t having it.

This is definitely not the first time that Victoria’s Secret has let one of these beauties out into the wild.

Photoshop Disasters has quite the collection.

Come on, people. There are plenty of tutorials.