Tags archives: awards


Taylor Swift Offered Vampire Diaries Role

Taylor SwiftSinger TAYLOR Swift has a role in hit TV show The Vampire Diaries — if she wants it.  Developer Kevin Williamson says he’s desperate to have Taylor — who triumphed at the recent CMA Awards — appear on the television series. “I’m desperate to have [Swift] come play a vampire,” he said. “Wouldn’t she make an amazing Kirsten Dunst circa Interview With The Vampire type? “I cannot tell you how hard I’m trying to get her — I would kill to have her on the show.“[But] she’s too big for Vampire Diaries now.” Swift, 19, is currently dating hunky Twilight star Taylor Lautner.


Ashley Tisdale Rocks the Latin America Awards

ashley-tisdale-perf-10159-8Showing off her musical skills, Ashley Tisdale was on-hand for the Los Premios MTV 2009 Latin America Awards in Universal City on Thursday night (October 15). The “High School Musical” actress was among the stars to rock the stage at the Gibson Amphitheatre, playing her new tune “Crank It Up” for the sold out crowd.  Coming as a bit of a letdown, Tizzie wasn’t among those to take home a trophy – as she was beat out by Lady GaGa in the Best International Artist category.Nonetheless, the 24-year-old still managed to have a wonderful evening, tweeting, “Latin vma’s were so much fun! Had a blast!!”









miley going bra shopping (PHOTOS)

Hottie Miley Cyrus, who recently shut down her very popular Twitter page, went shopping for bras at Woodland Hills Mall in Tulsa, Oklahoma today! She is performing in Tulsa tomorrow evening. From ILJ: Me and my friends were shopping for shoes when I got a text from my mom saying she was in a dressing room with Miley Cyrus. So, we sprinted up the stairs to Dillards. Went in the changing room and then we heard Miley talking to her mom. She said she was ‘looking for something sexy.’

Being the stalkers we are, we waited outside the dressing room, but her body guard was all over us. He said, ‘Don’t make a scene. If you do, Ill pull her out of the mall. Don’t try and ask for a picture, because I wont let her.’ We were kinda upset that we didn’t get to take a picture WITH her.. but he was just doing his job.

Miley is so pretty in person, but she is really petite, I expected her to be tall and meaty. To all the haters saying she’s fat – shut up! After bra/shirt shopping, she headed over to the makeup counter. Sorry pictures are blurry, we were trying not to get in trouble with the body guard.

Posts like this I wish I had a gif of Lizzie McGuire screaming “I want a bra”
Also LOL @ oceanup’s response to the story:

Some people are taking this Miley story as if we were there like stalking her. The story was sent in by a fan. News is news, let it happen.about 1 hour ago from web. source.