Another day, another hack.
For the second time, hackers attacked the website AdultFriendFinder, “one of the world’s largest sex hook-up” sites, known mostly for those ads you assume no one signs up for. Well, they do, so quit judging, dude. In fact, more than 400 million accounts were stolen in the breach, including user information from,, and is more than half of 700 million people that Friend Finder Networks claims uses at least one of their sites.
via Dude It’s Liz
But much like the infamous Ashley Madison hack of 2015, nearly 16-million “deleted” accounts were never removed from FriendFinder databases, and, yup, those were stolen too.
Also, like those attacks we got to take a peek at what kind of passwords people use when visiting sites like AdultFriendFinder. Surprise: They use bad passwords.
Mashable reports:
“The top three most used passwords? ‘123456,’ ‘12345′ and ‘123456789.’”
“LeakedSource also selected some of the longest real passwords it managed to find. Random sample: ‘schrodingersfavouritecat,’ ‘ilovemanchesterunited’ and ‘carlosfromcancun.’”
Look, it’s really simple, if you’re going to use a site like AdultFriendFinder, it’s smart to use a secure password, like something with letters, numerals, and symbols. But also, everything we do is futile because even if you use a secure password, a hacker can just get in there, steal 400 million accounts, and then a bunch of websites can make fun of your password. So maybe just make “¯_(ツ)_/¯” your password and call it day. Just kidding, use strong passwords, people.