Tags archives: cringe




Giant Douche Loses His Mind Because Tinder Date Won't Put Out


The story starts when Arielle met a guy named Endri on Tinder. Things were going more normal than your typical Tinder text exchange, so the two decided to meet for a drink. After a few drinks Arielle began to feel a bit creeped out and announced she was going home.

Endri, who has no idea how dating works, was sure he was going to score since he spent all that money on gas, tolls, and drinks.. you know, because of the implication. But once he realized that wasn’t happening he transformed into this monster.





Cringe as Steve Harvey Announces That He Crowned the Wrong Winner of the Miss Universe Pageant

Host Steve Harvey accidentally gave the win to the wrong girl at the 2015 Miss Universe pageant. After misreading his cue cards, Harvey initially announced Miss Colombia as the winner, then had to return to the stage and crown the real winner, Miss Philippines. Once the moment was over, he hastily tweeted this response (now deleted), in which he misspelled the name of both countries.

steve harvey miss universe fail
