Tags archives: demi-lovato


Tiffany Thorton: “I’m lucky to have Demi in my life”

SPL115276_006‘Hottie Tiffany Thornton talk to Girl2Watch about the difficulties in being a celebrity: “Celebrities are in the spotlight and people look up to us, but at times people can say very hurtful things. We’re not super-human, and things can hurt our feelings. I recently I took a Twitter break because fans say really mean things on there. I don’t know why Miley Cyrus doesn’t have a Twitter any more, I’m not sure why, but I think that the fans need to understand that we’re human too, and if you don’t like us, if you don’t like my music or if you don’t like the way I act, that’s totally fine. I don’t expect everyone to like me. I don’t expect everyone to think that I’m talented in certain areas. People have different tastes. But keep it to yourself.If you’re going to put out energy towards something, put out energy for something positive or don’t put it out at all, because all it does is tear other people down. There’s days when I call Demi Lovato and I’m crying and I’m like, ‘Listen, this fan said something that was just really rude.’ And she’s like, ‘I know. It happens to me all the time and there’s just people out there that do that.’ It does come with the territory. We expect it, but I’m lucky to have people like Demi in my life and Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus and friends that go through the same thing that I can talk to about it, and they can give me advice and vice versa.


Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas are officially dating?

2j5kqklZackTaylor.ca can exclusively confirm that Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas are officially dating aka we finally have JEMI!! Demi and Joe have been filming Camp Rock 2 in Toronto for the past couple months and that is when their friendship took a new turn… ZackTaylor.ca spoke with one of Demi’s friends earlier today who says, “They are taking it slow. They grew-up together and don’t want to ruin anything.” As well, a family member confirms to ZackTaylor.ca, “I can confirm to you Zack that Joe DID NOT have a sleepover with Demi. That was obviously a lie to generate more drama / photo sales. However, they’re seeing each other. They’re meant to be and both families have wanted it / knew it would happen one day.” Demi quickly broke things off with Dirk Mai as soon as she got back to L.A. after getting closer to Joe in Toronto!! Do YOU believe this?

UPDATE: An insider also confirms to ZackTaylor.ca that Demi will be recording some vocals on Nick Jonas’ upcoming solo project along with a couple other big named stars!!



T&T has been spotted hanging out again!

2h84t9fHe’s 17 and she’s 19.. is it still a felony? source says: “Taylor Swift and her new boyfriend Taylor Lautner spotted leaving Alice & Olivia after doing some shopping in Los Angeles on Wednesday evening.” I wonder what happened to Lucas Till? hmm. Check out more pictures under this post.

eqtueeJust another wide eyed girl desperately in love with you..




credit: bitchybot


Demi Lovato: First Class Flyer

EXCLUSIVE: Demi Lovato At The Burbank AirportAlways on the go, Demi Lovato was spotted at the Burbank Airport to catch a first class flight out of town on Tuesday (October 27). The departure comes just days after Miss Lovato took the stage for City of Hope at their annual Concert of Hope event.  The “Camp Rock” cutie also was busy working on her brand new video “Remember December” just yesterday. Of her doings, Demi tweeted, “On the set of my new music vid for Remember December… It’s gonna be killer. Like no other video I’ve shot before!!!”Later, she added, “Thanks to everybody that came out to either watch or be a part of the new video. YAY! SO excited for you to see it!”

EXCLUSIVE: Demi Lovato At The Burbank Airport

EXCLUSIVE: Demi Lovato At The Burbank Airport

EXCLUSIVE: Demi Lovato At The Burbank Airport

EXCLUSIVE: Demi Lovato At The Burbank Airport


Demi Lovato – Remember December Stills

36B72A7600236B72A7696ff36B72A7800736B72A7696ffHottie Demi Lovato shot her music video for her second single, Remember December, yesterday w/ Chloe, Meaghan, and Anna. I have to be honest not trying to be rude) but  i hate it! I usually love Demi’s style but this time it looks like she’s trying to be Lady Gaga. But i still love you demi! More pictures under this post.


