Hayley Williams.
Seems last night (November 18th, 2009) Demi and Hayley entertained a houseful of hardcore dudes getting together to play the video game
Mafia. I have to wonder if Demi’s mom was aware of this grouping and better yet what good old Disney would think of such a pairing. Then again, back in the day when I managed a popular Heavy Metal band we were approached by a teeny bopper stars momager to arrange a romance between her daughter and one of the metal heads as they were trying to break the teeny bopper mold, could very well be what Lovato is doing trying to go from “good girl” to “bad girl”. Numerous tweets went out after the party broke up and Demi confirmed her presence with
this tweet to Chad Gilbert: @XChadballX muhuhaha

so much fun. On another note, I received several messages about a rumored makeout session at Demi’s party Tuesday night between Demi and Hayley Williams. Ironically the next morning Demi
tweeted the following: All I Wanted Was You – Paramore,
So stay tuned, this could all get interesting.