Tags archives: issue



In the Next Issue of Tiger Beat

The sex scandal fairy has come TWICE this year so far! (I must have been good in 2010!) Representative David Wu (D-OR) has been accused of an inappropriate sexual encounter on the teenage daughter of a friend: The encounter allegedly took place around Thanksgiving, capping a problematic autumn during which his staff considered hospitalizing him after he displayed erratic behavior. The context, according to the Oregonian, the paper that first reported on the incident: A distraught young woman called U.S. Rep.




TWIST’s Girls Only Issue on Stands Now!

twist_coveronline_thumbNo boys are allowed to get their hands on this issue of TWIST! We got your fave stars to open up and bare their souls for our Girls Only! issue, hitting stands THIS weekend! Just look for the bright purple and yellow “Girls Only!” on the cover, and you’ll instantly feel like you’re besties with Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift!Here’s a preview of what this issue is loaded with:
*Meet Justin Bieber — Prove you’re his #1 fan!
*A TWIST Exclusive: A New Moon Pull-Out Mini-Mag!
*TWIST gets the truth on Robsten: Are they engaged?
*JB Confesses: “Guys Keep Journals, Too!”
*How Demi Dealt with Divorce
*Kellan: “Why guys like low Maintenance girls!”
*Selena Spills: “I’ve never been in love!”
*The Truth About: Period Myths!
*The Best Sweaters for Your Body!
*3 Ways to Wear a Thermal!
*TWIST on Tour: Boys Like Girls and Cobra Starship
*How to Throw a Star Slumber Party
*Embarrassing moments, scope cards, celeb signed prizes, personality quizzes, MEGA posters and MORE!

Looks like one incredible issue! Pick your up today.


Taylor and Kristen Kissing Scene on ‘New Moon’

00010514Chris Weitz has dished on the kissing scene between Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart onThe Twilight Saga’s New Moon“. Hinting at what the make-out scene between the depicters of Jacob Black and Bella Swan will be alike, the flick’s helmer said he directed the scene based on the third book from Stephenie Meyer’s vampire love saga.  “I can assure you we’re staying very, very close [to the book],” Weitz recently told MTV of the smooching scene. A moment after that, he added, “No one will feel that I have betrayed [‘s] Edward and Bella’s relationship.” Beside talking about the kissing scene of the film’s leading characters, Weitz also shared his opinion about Jacob and his wolf pack on the second “” film. “They’re much scarier by now. That was always the aim. The aim was to make them as fierce as possible, and they just got more and more and more dangerous as time went on,” he said.

“The Twilight Saga’s New Moon” will serve as the sequel of “Twilight”. It will center on Bella Swan who begins to build closer friendship with Jacob Black after facing separation from her vampire lover Edward Cullen. Summit Entertainment plans to drop the flick in U.S. theaters on November 20.


‘Twilight: New Moon’ to Make You Cry

gallery_main-0715_rpatz_justin_00Chris Weitz, director of The Twilight Saga: New Moon, was interviewed by People magazine, here’s what he said about what he wants you to feel emotionally during the film. “We’ve tried our best to deliver on the romantic scenes in the film, and I would like to be able to produce more tears than any movie before, if possible. If we could only weigh them with some kind of cubic tear measure!” Chris also talked about how everyone’s lives have changed drastically from shooting Twilight to now New Moon. Referring to Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner, he says, “What I’ve realized is that they have a very tough job – not just playing the characters that they play, but living lives that are now very much under scrutiny all the time.”“To be honest, even making the movie is under a tremendous amount of scrutiny now, so that when the cast went back to Vancouver there were cameras everywhere,” he said. “Everyone knows where every set is going to be. It goes with the Internet and all the information is out there all the time, and whenever one of them is spotted it’s immediately Twittered.”

I guess he’s addressing teenage girls as the majority of the audience, I don’t see many other people crying at a cheesy movie like this.



Demi Talks ‘Bounce’

2vljsp3Teen idol Demi Lovato recently chatted with MTV about her funny duet called Bounce with the Jonas Brothers. “I think a lot of you guys out there heard about the music video out there, ‘Bounce,’ ” Demi says. “One day Nick [Jonas] came up to me on set like, ‘Yo, I got this new song. I have a beat to it and it’s really sick.’ ” Demi explained that at first she thought the song was meant to be an actual serious song, before realizing that it was supposed to be funny. “I was like, ‘Oh, OK, good — ’cause I was about to say something,’ ”

“We ended up shooting the music video one day before we all went to work,” she said. “It was just so much fun. It was incredible. I had so much fun doing that,” Demi dishes. “Maybe you should watch out for the sequel.” Haven’t seen it yet? Watch Bounce here! The song is also now available on iTunes for purchase, so you can listen to it all the time! source.