Tags archives: jared


Gabrielle Giffords’ Road to Recovery

Last night Congresswomen Gabrielle Giffords gave her first television interview since being shot in the head by Jared Lee Loughner in January. Hers is not only a remarkable story of recovery, but a touching look at the dedication of her husband, NASA Commander Mark Kelly



Criss Angel Totally Looks Like Jared Leto

Criss Angel Totally Looks Like Jared Leto When in the process of human cultural evolution did we decide that men wearing eyeliner, over-the-top hand ornaments, and ugly side-parted black hairstyles was okay? I DO NOT APPROVE. Look-alike by: Muse-gal Pictures by: Unknown



Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords released her first photos since being shot in the head by Jared Lee Loughner on January 8th, 2011.




We’ve All Been There. Right? Hello?

His Eyebrows are baldingSubmitted by: Jared via Submission Page

Remember high school? When you were clueless in the ways of style and personal grooming but desperate to stand out from the crown in some way, so much so that in a hail-Mary attempt to be noticed for something—anything—you shaved your eyebrows into a wonky pattern the morning of school picture day?

No? Uh, me either.