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Disney Lays New Ground Rules for Stars on Twitter

Miley Cyrus Rocks Out Honda Center in Anaheim, CAI’ve been waiting for this bit of news. It sounds like Disney has had just about enough of twitter and it seems to be causing a problem for the company. Stars such as Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Mitchel Musso and of course…Miley Cyrus all have (or had) twitter accounts. We all know why Miley left hers behind and in an effort to gain some control back, Disney has laid some ground rules for the stars who twitter.

Disney’s new rule forbids confidentiality breaches via “interactive media such as Facebook, Twitter or any other interactive social network or personal blog”. An entertainment lawyer tells the Hollywood Reporter, “This is just the beginning. Hollywood has a long history of controlling what talent says in the media. This is just a new area of media that hasn’t been controlled yet.”

Well, those rules don’t sound bad. You would think the stars would know not to breach any confidentiality anyway, but unfortunately it’s been happening all over the place with stars on Twitter. But, like the lawyer told the Hollywood Reporter…this is just the beginning! Do you think Disney will eventually ask stars to leave twitter all together and if so, how will that change the social networking site? source; disneysociety.com