He tries to compensate nowadays by being brash and yapping at the President, but he’s crying inside over the loss of his full-bodied head of hair. Submitted by: powerpooch Via: nope
Georg von Feierabend and his girlfriend Baroness Schnitzel arrive at the gala. As usual, she is thoroughly disgusted with his selection of neckwear and doesn’t care who knows it.
Hannah cutie Miley and the rest of her Cyrus family have posted a message her official website about the bus crash that occured earlier this morning south of Richmond, Virginia, which claimed the life of bus driver Bill Douglas. The Cyrus family posted, “”We are deeply saddened by the loss of Bill ‘Uncle Bill’ Douglas. Members of our tour are like members of our family. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family in the midst of this tragedy. He will truly be missed.”
The bus was traveling along with three other buses (carrying members of Miley’s production crew but not Miley) southbound on Interstate I-85 just south of Petersburg, VA, when it ran off the left side of the road and overturned. source.
Coming as little surprise, “New Moon” is already placing itself into the record book – as it was tops for a midnight run raking in an estimated $26.3 million. Along with the overwhelming success of “New Moon,” theaters got fans ready by re-releasing “Twilight” just prior to the follow-ups debut – which garnered another $1.3 million. The previous record holder for the midnight slot was “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” which pulled in $22.2 million earlier this summer.Meanwhile, the second installment in the “Twilight Saga” franchise is slated to earn more than $85 million opening weekend – already having broken all pre-sales records when it comes to tickets.