‘Taylor Lautner just loves taking his shirt off! The actor — who, we must remember, is only 17 — shows off his buff body for a scene in Twilight sequel New Moon, which hits theaters in November. That’s next month! But in order to get such a fab physique, Taylor had to make some sacrifices — and one of those sacrifices was ice cream! “I really miss ice cream,” Lautner has said. “My favorite flavor is actually cake batter. It’s really good but I can’t have it. It’s torture.”
Taylor recently admitted it was a struggle for him to bulk up for New Moon. “The hardest part was actually eating a lot of good foods and cutting out all of the fat foods,” he said. “It was about always putting something in your mouth. “Every two hours, I always had to have something. So, that was the most difficult part for me, for sure. I knew what I had to do and that’s what I did. I stayed focused, and it all worked out well.” Taylor, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are all in Vancouver, Canada, filming Eclipse — the third flick in the Twilight movie franchise. source.