Tags archives: out-good


rare Miley Cyrus photoshoot!

3958838825_efa8158dde_oThese are rare pictures from Miley Cyrus’ photoshoot. Maybe they took them away because they didnt turn out good? i dont know. Anyways they are from RPM fansite! I love her outfit and her hair she looks so good (as always) Be sure to check out more pictures under this post!




hot or not?



Selena Gomez rocks red sunglasses!

selena-gomez-9269-10Out boosting interest in her soon-to-be-released album, Selena Gomez took the stage at The Roxy in Los Angeles on Saturday (September 26).Coming as her first official concert with her bandmates, Miss Gomez was spotted strolling into the popular venue prior to the big stage show.  Happy with how everything turned out, Selena took to her Twitter, writing, “Thank you all SO much for the fans that came!! I hope yall had a great time! Thank you for making my 1st show ever one I’ll never forget!!!”

Continuing on with her gratitude, the 17-year-old added, “And to my beautiful family and friends that were there to support me! Thank you! thank you! I love you guys so much!”








miley & max update

SPL122331_002107q1b6miley & max is supposedly being released soon. some wal-marts have already stocked up on certain items. i’m not sure what’s there and when it’s coming out, BUT if you live in a big city, check your wal-mart cause it might have updated. most wal-marts should have it by next week. anywaaays, mileyfashion on twitter bought some new stuff from the line and posted it on twitpic. jacket – $20, shirt – $12. source:xo_inyourdreams