Tags archives: philosophers




Hank Azaria Totally Looks Like Rudolf Steiner

Hank Azaria Totally Looks Like Rudolf Steiner While Steiner’s resume is somewhat impressive (he founded anthroposophy, the most popular philosophy of all time*, after all), I doubt he could voice eight gazillion* animated characters. Just sayin’… * Not accurate * Also not accurate Look-alike by: speshdiv


Bill Bailey Totally Looks Like Thomas Hobbes

Bill Bailey Totally Looks Like Thomas Hobbes OMG, guys, English philosopher Thomas Hobbes is totally winking at me! THAT FLIRT! Since he’s technically dead, though, I guess I’ll just have to settle for a night of passion with Bill Bailey. And because I wouldn’t consider him my “type,” it would be cool if instead of anything sexual we just reenacted scenes from “Black Books.” Look-alike by: sydnemave