Teen Idol Demi Lovato recently worked with the famous John Mayer on her last album. The pair wrote two songs together, and now John is dishing about Demi’s bright future. “I like Demi a lot,” John Mayer said. “It’s not a matter of obliging her. I look at what makes the best song, what makes the best sound, what makes the most timeless thing.” “I think Demi has a huge career in front of her … depending on the decisions she makes in her life,” he explained. “And when you’re young and you’re a star, my thing for her is like, just keep writing, just keep working, just keep developing. You have to keep developing, even if you’re out in public. It’s really difficult to be seen in the public and still continue to be vulnerable as an artist,” he said. “But when you’re 16 or 17, you have to. … You gotta keep learning, [even if] people are watching you.”