Tags archives: regrets-not


Miley’s first ever boyfriend

miley-baby-boyfriend_0Destiny Hope Cyrus, BEFORE she changed her beautiful name to Miley Ray Cyrus, hanging with her then boyfriend Kyle Leopard. From Emily: “My friend Kyle Leopard went to elementary school with Miley Cyrus and even dated her then. He lived down the road from their house and they hung out a lot. He hasn’t talked to her since he moved here to North Carolina.  He said he regrets not keeping in touch with her now. But he said she was a really sweet girl and she would always sing in class so he’s happy that she’s made it to where she is today (:” BUT guess what, we’ve also found his facebook! check it out here & here <- (who can it be?)





pics from oceanup , & dets from xo_inyourdreams !


Miley Cyrus Grants a Wish

Miley Cyrus Out At A Studio In Los AngelesAsk any little girl what their number one wish is, and chances are good that they will tell you they want to meet Miley Cyrus. Well, that wish came true Tuesday night for one little five year old. Before taking the stage at the New Orleans Arena to play for a sold out crowd, Miley met with a 5 year old girl who is suffering from a type of bone cancer. The singer spent time talking with the family and also signed some keep sakes for the girl. The State Police Grant-A-Wish program arranged for the meeting and for the girl to attend the concert. I’m pretty sure she’s been doing this at all of her concerts. How sweet of her omg. someone also commented saying “She’s been doing that type of stuff for years she just doesn’t ask for it to be publicized. It’s very sweet of her.” source.