Cutie Hannah Montana star Anna maria Perez de Tangle attended the premiere of Disney’s Prep & Landing on Monday evening (November 16th). If you haven’t caught it, be sure to check out Anna Maria’s co-star Demi Lovato’s music video for Remember December – Anna Maria makes a cameo.
Always on the go, Demi Lovato was spotted at the Burbank Airport to catch a first class flight out of town on Tuesday (October 27). The departure comes just days after Miss Lovato took the stage for City of Hope at their annual Concert of Hope event. The “Camp Rock” cutie also was busy working on her brand new video “Remember December” just yesterday. Of her doings, Demi tweeted, “On the set of my new music vid for Remember December… It’s gonna be killer. Like no other video I’ve shot before!!!”Later, she added, “Thanks to everybody that came out to either watch or be a part of the new video. YAY! SO excited for you to see it!”
Hottie Demi Lovato shot her music video for her second single, Remember December, yesterday w/ Chloe, Meaghan, and Anna. I have to be honest not trying to be rude) but i hate it! I usually love Demi’s style but this time it looks like she’s trying to be Lady Gaga. But i still love you demi! More pictures under this post.
Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus shows off her beauty in photoshooot! I love them. Even thought her hair and makeup is way to much, but other than that its pretty great. Check out more under this post.