Tags archives: romance-rumors


Kristen Stewart: Press Junket Puff Session

kristen stewart 061109Back in the States following a promotional stop in Mexico City, Kristen Stewart was spotted taking advantage of a smoke break during a press junket in Beverly Hills on Friday (November 6). Puffing away on her nerve-calming cigarette, the Bella Swan beauty was joined by two male friends for day’s the balcony break.  Currently in the midst of the “New Moon” press machine, Miss Stewart was asked (again) at the event about those never-ending romance rumors involving herself and Robert Pattinson.In response, she said, “I get why they want to know about us and want us to be together and all of that, but I just have to sort of not think about it.”



Blake Lively: Back to Work in Boston

FP_IMAGE_3961909/FP_SET_3959835Getting back to work on her new movie project, Blake Lively was spotted on the set of “The Town” in Boston, Massachusetts on Friday afternoon (November 6). Aside from chatting on her cell phone in between takes, the “Gossip Girl” actress looked to have thoroughly enjoyed a friendly visit from her adorable little co-workers during the course of the day’s duties.  In related news, Miss Lively recently revealed to Marie Claire that her mom enrolled her in the first grade at the young age of 3-years-old.“When I was only 3 years old, my mom enrolled me in the first grade. My older brother was supposed to start school, but he didn’t want to go alone, so my mom told them I was 6 since I was so tall. But after a few weeks, they said they would have to put me in mentally disabled classes because I wasn’t up to pace with the rest of the kids,” she explains.

Miss Lively continues, “They thought that I was slow because all I wanted to do was sleep while the other kids were doing their projects. So my mom took me out of school. I kind of feel like I grew up at Disneyland,” Blake explained. “My mom would take me there twice a week. I did well in school, so I guess my mom just wanted to have some extra time to bond with me. Sometimes, when I was older, she’d keep me out till one in the morning. We only stayed out late on weekends. We’d get a hotel room and then go to Denny’s, drink coffee, and talk for hours.” Nonetheless, everything turned out for the best, as Blake tells, “I’ve always been a night owl. Even at home, we’d stay up all night talking. My mom tells the most amazing stories. In a way, she was kind of raising me to be a great actress without even realizing it.”




