Tags archives: salvation



The Governator

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s triumphant return to acting will be animated. More specifically, a cartoon about him not returning to acting and instead sitting around his mansion in a polo shirt with some plucky anime kids (uh, where’s Maria Shriver?) until he decides to become a cyborg and fight robots to The Black Eyed Peas. So… can’t be any worse than Terminator Salvation, amirite




Not for Beginners

He Must Not Wear Those OftenSubmitted by: dunno source via Submission Page

Ultraviolet rays claim another victim. Listen folks: just like you don’t start skiing on the double–black diamond slope and don’t start breakfast with a double-shot of tequila (try easing into it with a mimosa!), you don’t start your first day in a Speedo with a double-shift of sunbathing. Easy does it!