Tags archives: sarah-palin






Todd Makes a Pretty Good Fred

Jon Stewart about Sarah Palin’s 2012 One Nation Bus Tour: “Has anyone ever stopped to consider the possibility that Sarah Palin and her family are solving mysteries and unmasking monsters?” Submitted by: Unknown Via: Blogging Via Typewriter


Friday Picspam: Rapturous

Well, since it’s the rapture tomorrow, I guess this is the last Friday on Earth for some of you pure-hearted, good, and probably boring people. The rest of us will remember you in the worldwide alcoholic rager I’m planning. Freebies 100% American beef Only you can prevent fires on the forest moon of Endor


Burial at Sea

And today, Navy Seals dropped Sarah Palin’s presidential aspirations into the ocean off the coast of Pakistan. LoL by: fastfood Picture by: Unknown