Today’s LOLMart Shirt of the Day is available to purchase THROUGH THE WEEKEND ONLY, and then it will be gone forever!
Celebrate America’s history! Celebrate America’s future! And don’t forget to celebrate America’s present. And by present, we mean gift. The gift of a LOLMart t-shirt! Celebrate all of these things…LOLcat style!
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering what the cat version of every president America has ever had might look like, then this shirt is for you. Even if you’ve never wondered that–and why wouldn’t you have?–this shirt is for you.
But don’t let the scathing political commentary of this shirt start any arguments during the holiday season. Our shirt is non-partisan and all-inclusive. It’s everything to all parties. And, incidentally, would be a great gift to give at a holiday party. Ahem.
LOLMart t-shirts are priced at only $15 (that includes FREE US ground shipping!) and make the perfect holiday gift for a friend (or for yourself).