That’s one small step for man, one giant leap BACWARDS for mankind Whoa, watch out Neil is really Dropping the Science. Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
There I Fixed It: This Is How He Really Beat That Hare See more clever kludges and fixes over at There I Fixed It! PinterestFacebookTwitter
Far Side of the Moon WIN One side of the moon always faces toward our planet. The side that faces away should be referred to as the “far side of the moon” instead of the “dark side of the moon,” as it receives just as much sunlight as the side that faces us PinterestFacebookTwitter
Fungi Patterns WIN Thanks to the commenting scientists for the bacteria/fungi correction! Yeah Science! PinterestFacebookTwitter
Dueling Robots Can’t believe that robots could be so cool? Check out the video of these awesome robots previously on WIN here! PinterestFacebookTwitter