Tags archives: should-keep




Cardboard Paintings

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Today I’d like to give a shout out to Mr. Gavin Worth who has brought new life to old pieces of cardboard. Yeah we all have torn up cardboard boxes stored around the house and even more at the office. Somehow I always convince myself that I should keep boxes to use for presents or to store things in but in the end I just end up having a pile of torn boxes with items falling out underneath my bed.

Anyways, let’s focus on these works of art. Mr. Worth says about these beautiful paintings
“I’m love experimenting with common materials. I was cutting cardboard for a project one day when I noticed the inherent layers and almost sculptural depth inside cardboard. That coupled with a recent trip to see Japanese paintings at the Asian Art Museum got me good and set to do these. They’re generally all made out of single pieces of cardboard”

These are so simple and beautiful. I would love to have on of them in my apartment. If you’re interested in more of his work head over to his website He does really cool wire sculptures and designs.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!