Tags archives: the-process


Criss Angel Totally Looks Like Jared Leto

Criss Angel Totally Looks Like Jared Leto When in the process of human cultural evolution did we decide that men wearing eyeliner, over-the-top hand ornaments, and ugly side-parted black hairstyles was okay? I DO NOT APPROVE. Look-alike by: Muse-gal Pictures by: Unknown


Break Throughs with Shoplet Bingo

Shoplet.com Meeting Bingo
Ever notice how many times we all say these cliche phrases?

“It’s a win-win situation”

“Where’s the call to action?”

“At the end of the day, what the customer wants is important”

“Let’s go over the game plan”

“I want to hit the ground running with this project”

“Rather than discuss this now, let’s take it offline”

I don’t know where we get these phrases! But every office around the country is full of people who use them. I don’t believe all “buzzwords” are bad. Sometimes you do want to streamline or optimize a process. I guess we could just say make the process more efficient or faster or better. For some reason when you say streamline little stars go around the word and make it more exciting.

We’ve seen some “buzzword bingo” cards floating around the internet  and we decided to create one of our own- full of phrases we love at Shoplet.com Here’s our recommendations for rules:

  1. Print this card
  2. Bring it your meeting, preferably hidden  under a bunch of papers so you look important
  3. Bring a pen or pencil to mark it. You can even write in cursive over it so it looks like you are jotting notes rather than crossing off boxes
  4. If you get bingo, we don’t advise that you yell it. We want you to keep your job. Just poke the guy next to you and point to it. Try to make him laugh and get in trouble instead of you.

You can download the bingo card here on Flickr. Enjoy!

P.s. If you start getting a lot of bingos, you may or may not  be sitting in a meeting at Shoplet.com headquarters.


Joe Jonas does grocery shopping! (PHOTOS)

SPL127041_008Keeping an eye on his diet, Joe Jonas was spotted doing some grocery shopping at a Whole Foods store in Toronto, Canada yesterday afternoon (October 6). Joined by a guy pal, the “Burnin Up” rocker leafed through a few food magazines before checking out, on break from the “Camp Rock 2” movie set.  And besides his work commitments, Joe is in the process of making sure his big brother Kevin has a bachelor party to remember.

“Kevin keeps trying to plan his own bachelor party, and that’s not going to happen. So we are going to figure out the right place and have fun and it’s going to be a good time.  [Kevin] wants to do golfing but that just seems a little too normal.  We have to do something outrageous and fun. Something crazy.”

