Tags archives: unicef


Selena Gomez Gets in the Halloween Spirit

SPL134493_002Happily getting an early start on the Halloween festivities, Selena Gomez paid a visit to Knott’s Berry Farm’s Halloween Haunt in Buena Park on Saturday night (October 24). The Disney darling was already fully into the Halloween spirit, smiling as she posed with some costume clad monsters at the annual event.  Meanwhile, Miss Gomez happens to be the spokesperson for this year’s Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, of which she tweeted last night, “7 days til Halloween…….Be sure to tune into the UNICEF live chat on October 29th at 4pm PST.”Of the money-raising efforts, Selena previously told press: “Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF invites children and adults alike to make Halloween count by joining UNICEF to do whatever it takes to help save children’s lives.”





Katy Perry Celebrates 25th with Taylor Swift!

35151PCN_SwiftCelebrating her special day, Katy Perry was thrown a big bash for her 25th birthday at Sunset beach in Hollywood on Saturday night (October 24). Accompanied by boyfriend Russell Brand, the “Hot N Cold” singer churned in another year with a ‘white’ party theme at the swanky LA locale.  According to a paparazzo source on the scene, although most of the guests emerged from the party with paint splattered over their white outfits. Among those participating in the fun-filled affair were country cutie Taylor Swift, JoJo, celebrity blogger Perez Hilton and three Oompa Loompas.






