“The Adventures of Miles” is a series of photographs done by Alaina Lynn Photography, aka Miles’ Mom. In most of the situations, Miles tries to deal with the everyday responsibilities of being an adult.
Miles and his blue truck have officially melted our hearts into a puddle. Keep doing you, Miles!
Cheering For This Cute Goal Never Gets Old
Meanwhile, In Bangkok
The Most Adorable Little Assault
Late Night Guess Who!
Tonight’s adorable guess who might be hard to recognize with hair. He was the front-man for one of the 90′s biggest alternative rock bands, but the band formed in the early 80′s so hopefully that’ll throw you off a bit. Via izismile Michael Stipe! (R.E.M.) Submitted by: Unknown
Ahhh, Memories…
Do Da Stanky Legg
I Finally Look Normal By Comparison!
I Lurves Me Some Propane