A Tesco in Cornwall, England was forced to shut its doors after an asshole seagull flew inside and began attacking customers.
One of the Tesco employees said the seagull menace was dive-bombing customers as the entered the store. Basically, the opposite of what happens when you enter a Walmart.
Anyway, here is further proof that these flying rats live by their own set of laws and don’t give a fu*k about anything.
Kid Rock "American Badass" Sparked Total Anarchy on Twitter with One Single Tweet
First, Kid Rock wanted to be a Cowboy, baby. Then, the Michigan-born rapper was an American Badass. Now, the 45-year-old (once married to Pam Anderson) has taken to Twitter pay his respects to authority… and only God Knows Why.
Anyway, the Internet loved it.
Anarchy in the .co.uk
British Prime Minister David Cameron made a controversial statement regarding restricting social media in the continuing London riots: Everyone watching these horrific actions will be stuck by how they were organized via social media. Free flow of information can be used for good. But it can also be used for ill
Hacked IRL: Wait, What Was It Again?