Be Careful Mr. Pane, That’s Not Stable! Horrible choice for a counter-weight, or horrible choice for a makeshift bomb? PinterestFacebookTwitter
RIP Florence Green, Aged 110 The last remaining World War I veteran in the world passed away today at the age of 110. Florence Green served as a mess steward in the Women’s Royal Airforce, which she joined at the age of 17 in 1918 PinterestFacebookTwitter
The (Greek) Tragedy of the Terribly Slanted Floor *Spoiler Alert* Everyone dies. ~Not-So-Handy Andy Submitted by: Isaac PinterestFacebookTwitter
I Swear It’s Not A Hatchback View This Poll Market Research Submitted by: GLUE Via: Brooklyn, NY PinterestFacebookTwitter
Don’t Drink and Weld The hulk’s first attempt at bike theft was a complete failure. ~Not-So-Handy Andy Submitted by: metaphil PinterestFacebookTwitter
Good Thing He Has X-Ray Vision Submitted by: Dar-Kfrei Via: PinterestFacebookTwitter