You Better Retrieve That Strap, Zelda’s Out It’s a tough choice, save the princess or save your coworkers from BO. ~NSHA View This Poll Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Strength In Number Twos Did I just make a pun about writing utensils and poop, based on a popular idiom? PinterestFacebookTwitter
This Is What Happens If You Keep Leaving The Seat Up Toilet etiquette, the household equivalent of guerrilla warfare. ~NSHA Submitted by: Grace0811 PinterestFacebookTwitter
A Piss Poor Substitute It also triples as a health test. If the milk jug starts to melt, please see your doctor. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Rule #86 of Fixing If it fits, it works. (also known as ‘Screw It’) ~NSHA Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Oh Bears, You So Fancy Cons: no privacy, no toilet paper, you can’t lean back, it might collapse, very very cold. PinterestFacebookTwitter