Just Waiting for the Bus Like Everybody Else You know, Cocktails-that-might-be-smoothies-that-might-be-milkshakes have to wait at public-transit-stops-that-might-actually-be-parks just like everybody else. Don’t hate. Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
The Neck Purse Brings The Outfit Together The spreading of the legs, however, seems to take the dress apart. Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Ugliest Tattoos: R2achu, I Choose You! Hard to fit that one into a pokeball I’d imagine. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Light Bench WIN Can’t tell if cool bench design, or just radioactive… Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Sorry Little Man, Giants Only Calling that discriminatory may result in loss of limbs. All hail our giant overlords! ~Not-So-Handy Andy Submitted by: Dar-Kfrei PinterestFacebookTwitter