Tags archives: best-friend
You guys never seem to like her, but I love my old girl. This is Stella and her best friend SQUIRREL.
Messing with my best friend's fiance.
Man's best friend
My best friend asked me what she should paint, I (being quite stoned) replied "the universe inside the prince of the forest".
My best friend is getting the kidney he's been waiting 18 years for tonight. Please keep him in your thoughts!
My 92 year old grandmother is under hospice care. Her best friend never leaves her side.
My best friend is an elementary school teacher. Her students are writing postcards to veterans. This happened.
Saw this at the Barber yesterday. When the stylist asked him why he had his dog he replied, "he's my best friend, I go with him to get his hair cut and he comes with me to get mine cut."
My best friend and I. I was raised muslim, she was raised jewish. We make it work.