Tags archives: celeb






A Guy Got Punched for Looking Like Shia LaBeouf, but It's Okay Because Shia Left Him a Voicemail

shia labeouf voicemail punch A Guy Got Punched for Looking Like Shia LaBeouf, but It's Okay Because Shia Left Him a Voicemail

Mario Licato got punched in the face and knocked out for looking like Shia LaBeouf. No one knows what the motivation behind it was exactly, but according to Licato’s Instagram post about his black eye, the last thing he heard before going down was, “this happened bc you look exactly like Shia LaBeouf”.

The story isn’t all bad, it seems like Licato is recovering quickly and he even got a voicemail from Shia LaBeouf himself. Licato told Cosmopolitan what the voicemail said and it’s about what you might expect a rambling voicemail from Shia LaBeouf to sound like:

Hey, this is Shia LaBeouf … I just read an article that you were punched in the face because you look like me?” And he was like, “Aw, man. That sucks. I’m so sorry. But I get it. It’s happened to me before.” And then he was like, “I don’t know. I wish I was in New York. I’d come bring you soup.” He was just like, “This sucks. I don’t even know what to say. I’m sorry. People are just crazy. Just because you look like me?” I was obviously laughing the whole time. And then he was like, “Here’s my phone number. Don’t give it to anybody. Please, please, call me back. Call me back if you want to. We could chat. Let’s giggle over this. Maybe there’s a silver lining in all this. But call me back.” And then he was like, “And once again, this is Shia LaBeouf, the guy you got hit for looking like. And yeah, man, I’m sorry. I’m just really sorry.” And he was like “Keep your head up, G.” And that was it.



A Man Built a Scarlett Johansson Robot for... Science?

A man created this creepy, lifelike Scarlett Johansson robot with some ingenuity and a 3D printer. Actually, he didn’t explicity create a ScarJobot, he based the likeness off a Hollywood celebrity who he does not want to name. But we can make a pretty good guess….

So the likeness is…weird but it seems like the creator, Ricky Ma, is a true robot enthusiast. He says he really just wanted to build a robot and it took a long time (and $50,000) to acquire the parts and skills to come this far. He told the Daily Mirror:

When I started building it, I realised it would involve dynamics, electromechanics and programming. I have never studied programming, how was I supposed to code?

Additionally, I needed to build 3D models for all the parts inside the robot. Also, I had to make sure the robot’s external skin and its internal parts could fit together. When you look at everything together, it was really difficult.