Tags archives: dating-apps


Pokémon GO! Has Been out Less than a Month, and It's Already Inspired Dating Apps Like These

Pokémon,news,pokemon go,Video Game Coverage,tinder,dating apps,video games,nintendo,dating

In less than a month Pokémon GO! has taken this planet by storm. Look around you, and you’re apt to see someone with a fixed gaze on their phones, swiping upwards aggressively, scowling at their screens, trying to catch ’em all.

It’s insane how big this game is. Pokémon GO! is more popular than Tinder right now, and was more popular than porn for a brief bit of time as well. Plus Pokémon GO! is tracking more than 21 million daily active users, so that’s pretty damn chill…


Bumble Gave This Dude the Boot for His Sexist Rant About Beyoncé and Neo-Liberals

bumble,beyoncé,gold digger,feminism,dating apps,online dating,dating

This delusional Bumble user lost all chill and turned a simple question into a rant about Beyoncé, neo-liberals, feminism, and gold-diggers.

Not only did Bumble kick this guy off of their dating app, but they went ahead and publicly shamed him on their blog as well.

Bumble is an online dating app meant to empower women. On Bumble, females initiate the conversations in efforts to help eliminate situations like this.