Tags archives: documentary


This Heartwarming Video Perfectly Captures Pokémon GO!'s Ability to Bring People Together

Alexander Steinberg, an 18-year-old aspiring filmmaker managed to put together a video that encourages us all as an audience to take a minute, and ask ourselves, ‘why does Pokémon GO! matter?’

Does it really? Or is there something more meaningful, impactful ‘afoot? Is it the game’s ability to unite strangers that’d otherwise never cross paths? One quote captured in the video sticks out in particular:

“You know my favorite part about this? Number one my brother and I used to play this as kids. He ends up passing away,” CrobinMaxxis said, pointing up. “He’s up there still, still, having a better fuckin’ collection than I do. But all the violence in the world, brutality, all this fucking racism. Look around here. You see this?” he said, gesturing to the crowd. “Not a single one is the same. Everyone is having a good time. This is what the world needs now.”