Tags archives: fan


Hit of the Day: Justin Bieber Rocks Fan’s World, Punches Him in the Face

Keep your hands to yourself, especially if you’re dealing with Justin Bieber.

Heading to his show last night in Barcelona, Justin “Danger” Beiber was driving through a crowd of fans. He wished them well as drove through, allowing them a glimpse at his royal Biebness. But his trust was quickly taken advantage of. A crazed fan, probably drunk on the power one receives when they lock eyes with Bieber, broke the seal and reached into Bieber’s limo aka the Bieb-mobile aka the Bieber Express aka Derek the Limo. What’s Bieber to do? The only thing an international man of mystery can: Punch him in the face.

That’s right, Bieber gave the fan the old one-two salute right in the jaw, and the fan was left bloodied on the street as Bieber drove away. Put some ice on those knucks, Bieber. You live to fight another day.

Bieber’s fans quickly came to his aide:

via @justinbibershi

via @ibieberauhlls

via @ladybonerss





Fail of the Day: Police Break Open Car Window to Save One Very Realistic Doll

Fail of the Day: Police Break Open Car Window to Save One Very Realistic Doll

Police in the UK were fooled by one very realistic looking doll.

What started out as a rescue mission to save a baby left laying in the front seat of a locked car ended in embarrassment for police in Dudley, West Midlands.

After a concerned citizen notified the police of an infant in danger, officers jumped into action—smashing Delesia Rattray’s car window. But they didn’t find what they expected.

When Rattray returned to her car she found a note from police telling her to call the station. Fearing that a baby’s life was in danger, the police smashed her window to save what turned out to be Rattray’s 10-year-old sister’s baby doll.

The doll was wrapped in a blanket with only its head poking out. Police have since apologized and agreed to cover the cost of replacing the window.

You tried, Dudley police. You tried.