Cardboard Armor WIN Grace Duval spent fifty hours creating this Joan of Arc-inspired armor using only cardboard, paper, bicycle tubes, glue, spray paint, and some metal fastenings. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Fandom Base: Super Ninja Mario Bros WIN Train up your Fandom skills with others, on Memebase’s Fandom Base! Click through below check out the full video of these Nunchuck-Swinging Bros! PinterestFacebookTwitter
Fandom Base: Star Wars Art WIN Visit Memebase’s new site Fandom Base for more awesome things from ALL THE FANDOMS! PinterestFacebookTwitter
Fandom Base: iPip WIN Visit Memebase’s new site Fandom Base for more awesome things from ALL THE FANDOMS! PinterestFacebookTwitter
Fandom Base: Green Army Man WIN Visit Memebase’s new site Fandom Base for more awesome things from ALL THE FANDOMS! PinterestFacebookTwitter