Vintage Newt Gingrich Meets Power Rangers … But I thought the fought evil, not shook hands with it. OOOHHH SICK BURN PinterestFacebookTwitter
Why You Should Never Teach a Dog To Jump From the submitter: Building up a gate to keep our dogs in the yard. Yes, those are shipping pallets on top of the gate, and yes that is yellow electrical tape holding the pallets together PinterestFacebookTwitter
Eclectic Fence Co. Okay, I took 3 years of French in high school. I got this. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Grow Your Own Fence It’s like a Chia Pet! Except it takes 20 years. And it’s horribly ugly. ~NSHA Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Clearly Built Without a Slide Rule If the height doesn’t get them, the proximity to the fence will. PinterestFacebookTwitter