Tags archives: from-the-submitter


Approved By The Authorities

From the submitter: On the first day of a 3-day trip, I rear-ended this rental car into another car. Instead of trying to find a replacement rental on the 4th of July weekend, I (with the help of the local police!) “fixed” the bumper that was hanging off the car.




Monday Night Football Addiction

From the submitter: Verizon Wireless + NFL iPhone App + Digital Video Camera + Microphone + Bass Amp (not pictured) = Monday Night Football without cable TV! The iPhone NFL app prohibits direct output from the iPhone to the TV, but we’ve overcome higher obstacles than that to get to Live MNF. Submitted by: juperee


Our Love Can Never Be

From the submitter: Someone I know has had their pc bungee corded to a running window fan all summer. I asked them about what they do when it rains, when the wind blows in the rain, and they responded that it never occurred to them




Round Tire, Round Hole. What’s The Problem?

From the submitter: In the down & out, post apocalyptic city of East St. Louis Illinois, anything metallic that is not welded in place is fair game for scrappers, including man-hole covers. The city, being without the financial means to replace the missing covers, inserts used tires in their place to alert drivers of the open holes littering the streets


Safety Branch

From the submitter: this is my neighbour handy man cutting down a tree….. saftey 1st?????? oh and before you ask, yes he is standing on one leg with no harness ove the top of my green house!!!! We can branch if we want to We can leave your ladder behind Submitted by: Leigh cade


Coffee Break! (Broken)

From the submitter: A while back I decided to see how my coffee maker worked. I busted it open and by the time I figured things out, I couldn’t put it back together (broken). So I decided I didn’t want to buy a new coffee maker and I built this stand for the machine innards