Tags archives: good-luck


This Woman Wants a Lifetime Supply of KitKats Because She Ate One Without a Wafer

kit kat lawsuit This Woman Wants a Lifetime Supply of Kit Kats Because She Ate One Without a Wafer

Saima Ahmad, a law student in England, decided to practice what she’s been learning when she bought an ate a KitKat that was missing that tasty center wafer part.

As she told Yahoo! News, she has written a letter of complaint to Nestle demanding a refund and adequate compensation for the mishap. Citing “monetary and emotional” loss, she has asked for a lifetime supply of unlimited KitKats and says she would consider taking further legal action if her demands are not met. It may sound unrealistic but she has said, “I’m trying my luck, if you don’t ask you don’t get.” So hopefully she isn’t really expecting unlimited candy bars.