Beautiful Selena Gomez added on her twitter “Jenn got to present my award to me! This is what we look like at a hollywood fashion event. Yup “. She look amazing, as always! Leave a comment please.
Jeez, i cant believe it! Miley Cyrus has deleted her twitter! Reason?: Liam Hemsworth asked her to. I used to think Justin Gaston was annoying but Liam is just mean. I thought boyfriends were suppose to be nice and not tell theyre girlfriends what to do, but seems like Liam had other plans.
Disney cuties Miley Cyrus and Ashley Tisdale chat with each other backstage! It’s been awhile since we’ve seen them together right? but you have to admit – they’re adorable together. Just found these pictures on a French Miley website. source.
A pic of Demi at Children’s Hospital in Texas. It was taken during the summer I believe. I think its great that she didn’t hop on her twitter that day and go “I am going to the Children’s Hospital, look how fantastic I am. Look at all these pictures of me with sick babies“. The more everyone else hates on Demi the more I am starting to like her. I think that more and more she is starting to break out of the little box Disney made for her. I feel the opposite way about Selena.
I don’t know how many of you have actually reached the age of 17, or whether this prudish nature you have is just a project of being raised in the US, but when I was that age I was sneaking into clubs with my sister’s ID and dating whoever the hell I wanted and it didn’t screw me up for life. It’s really not that big of a deal. source.