Tags archives: heroes


Two Brothers Capture a Glorious Selfie With a Bald Eagle They Rescued From a Trap

Michael and Neil Fletcher were hunting in Ontario’s Windy Lake when they spotted a bald eagle caught in a claw trap. However, freeing the bird was no easy task. When they got close, the eagle tried to fly away. They eventually were able to calm the majestic bird by throwing a hoodie over its eyes. All the while, their golden retriever sat extremely curious.

The brothers eventually set the bald eagle free, but not before capturing this unforgettable selfie.








No Room For Heroes

According to CNN , the men and women who were first on the scene of the 9/11 terrorist attacks are not invited the 10th anniversary memorial ceremony: The first responders are not invited to this year’s September 11 memorial ceremony at ground zero, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office confirmed Monday. It’s a painful insult for many of the approximately 3,000 men and women who risked their lives, limbs and lungs on that monumental day, puncturing another hole in a still searing wound. In a statement, Bloomberg spokesman Andrew Brent said the commemoration ceremony is for the victims’ families.