Tags archives: insider




manip3A couple weeks ago ZackTaylor.ca exclusively reported that Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas were dating. We reported this news based on inside information given to us by a source very close to Demi – Since this website has started, ZackTaylor.ca has always kept our sources private and confidential; There is no need to release names as that is how this gossip business works and how we continue to get insider information. I have never said the names of ANY of my sources and would never think to reveal a source unless it was in a situation that could hurt my career / reputation and those of my co-workers…Rewinding for a bit… Some of the MANY text messages we got from our source confirming “JEMI” said the following:

“Demi and Dirk are NOT dating!!” “They (Joe and Demi) are taking it slow is a really good way to put it, but you didn’t hear that from me!!! And he didn’t spend the nite. I don’t know who confirmed that. And Dirk was out a long time ago!!!”

“they are meant for each other!!!!! don’t you dare say I SAID THAT!!!” “God I hope not. She has loved him since the first camp rock!!! Been fun talking to ya but gotta turn my phone off my planes takin off now!!! We will talk soon I’m sure!!!” “you gotta be patient cuz no rep is gonna confirm it i can assure you!”

“I’m trusting you zack. I’m already a suspect and I’m close to being in trouble. I gotta lay low now. you only know the truth and ppl will see that.”
“It’ll die down in a couple days, then the truth will come and ppl will then say “OMG he was telling the truth!” Then they’ll respect u even more.”

However, last night a circumstance came-up that put our website & business in a jeopardizing position – Either we reveal our source, or lose all creditability, something that is hard to come by in the blogging world with so many sites. I am never one to go against my word, and all my other inside celebrity sources have ALWAYS trusted me (and hopefully still do as they should), however, I do not take to threats very kindly like most people I know. As I always say, I will do everything to help someone in this industry, and give them my full trust until they try and f**k me over!!

The story goes that an unknown website that is also in communication with our source planted lies and told our source yesterday some wrong information that got our source worked-up to the boiling point. Our source sent me the following text message (and a couple others that I will not post) soon after receiving these lies:

“I deserved to know what kind of person you really are. Please stop talking about our family!!!! I was only trying to be a friend to you. Please just go away!!!! Leave me alone!!!”

Right after, Demi Lovato private Twittered me that if I do reveal my source that she would take to her own Twitter and report that her and Joe were not dating and fans would think I was telling a complete lie, thus ruining my credibility & reputation.

Honestly, I can understand why my insider (and Demi) would be upset and feeling betrayed, however, it was just another lie told to them to try and get them to spill the beans and create a story – They should have known better and not taken their fustration out / bashed me in the process of finding out the truth!!

So what am I to do – Sit around and let my site be made a fool of?? Cry wolf of a story and have my readers never trust me again??< Or, report the truth and hopefully people will see this story for what it is and not be upset or think of me as a backstabber to my source??

Maybe I am the bad guy here?? Ahhhh!!

Doing the right thing after much debate, I messaged my source and explained the situation, and how I was now obligated to my readers to report something since everyone was following this dramatic case VERY closely. I have even left out some messages and convos from this post to further protect the people this is about. I also didn’t want to lose my integrity over one story, and told my source that the threats were uncalled for and put me in a bad position with EVERYONE… My source replied back with the following:

“Well because of the Twitter thing I had to tell demi the truth. I told her that i did talk to you.”

“Zack there is nothing I can do to help anything. I’ve been sick about this all nite. I don’t know what to tell you.”

“If you reveal your sources no one will ever talk to you again.”

“what do you feel you need to tell your readers? That I was the one who told you demi and joe were dating? Is that what you want to tell them? do what you want.”

After telling my source that I planned to come clean and for the first time in my career actually reveal whom my insider was, I got a bunch of private Twitter messages from Demi Lovato herself:

These messages made me speechless… Never have I ever felt so emotional about a story, nor have I ever wanted to hurt Demi or her family… But I had to come clean, expec. after all the hurtful messages coming my way & my promise to my readers!!

So, there you have it, the TRUTH… My source was none other than Demi Lovato’s own mother, Dianna Delagarza!!

She confirmed to me that Joe and Demi were taking it slow & everything else you read above and in my previous blog posts on “JEMI”. She has also since told me that they are going to try and see where stuff goes once Joe is back in L.A. since it’s hard for them to talk a lot since when Joe goes to bed, Demi is just waking up – The time difference is very hard on them but they are trying as much as they can. However, the good news is that JEMI is alive, confirmed by Demi’s own mother, and hopefully works out once Joe comes home!!

Dianna is also very hurt by all this, and feels lied to by this other website (whom we will not name) for starting this mess and pushing her to her edge and “against” me. I know she feels that Joe and the rest of The Jonas Brothers and family will never trust HER again, nor anyone else. I want to make it clear that this IS NOT Dianna’s fault, and yet just another example of how this crazy media industry world works, changes how we act, and how threats & stepping on the wrong feet never turns out well. Dianna is an amazing person, who I’ve known for many years, and she is one of the greatest mother’s I know and has been through SOOO much with helping Demi be as successful as she is. She was only doing what was best for Demi and should not be criticized for that. Everyone should only hope that their own mother would be so kind to all types of media!!

I want to thank everyone for their support & messages. I’ve never been put in a situation where I had to reveal a source and it was literally one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I obviously didn’t post every detail of this story above because not all those facts are needed to be told as I hope you can understand. My emotions went from feeling pissed-off, to feeling betrayed, lied to, hurt, confused, to finally a clear conscious on my ultimate decision in writing all this up and coming clean to the people who matter most, my readers. Without you guys, there would be no ZackTaylor.ca and I love each and every one of you for reading this blog, even if at times you do hate me haha!!

Trust is a big thing and I hope we can all learn to trust each other again (I just know I’m going to get a few nasty phone calls tomorrow from Disney) – I’m sorry if this report hurts anyone, namely Dianna, Joe, and Demi, but I promised everyone the truth, and I feel better for letting it out. I don’t know what the future holds, and tonight was a huge wake-up call on how I really don’t like this whole blogging world thingy and what it does to some people; I don’t like hurting people, unlike some other blogs, and maybe this is a sign that it is time for a change?!

No matter what the future holds, I promise to always be myself and always stand by my word. This was an unfortunate situation, and hopefully it blows over.
