Tags archives: jared-leto


Jared Leto Wore a Bold, Green Coat to the Suicide Squad Premiere So Some Jokers on the Internet Photoshopped Him

list,photoshop battle,jared leto,political pictures,suicide squad

If you know anything about ‘Suicide Squad’, then you know just how METHOD Jared Leto is. Like, seriously, this guy is EDGY and it sounds like he spent most of his time on set just making sure everyone was clear on that. Now that he’s out of costume, it seems like he had a hard time letting go of the Joker’s trademark green color. After the Suicide Squad premiere this outfit became part of a glorious photoshop battle because, well, this is the internet. It’s what we do.



Criss Angel Totally Looks Like Jared Leto

Criss Angel Totally Looks Like Jared Leto When in the process of human cultural evolution did we decide that men wearing eyeliner, over-the-top hand ornaments, and ugly side-parted black hairstyles was okay? I DO NOT APPROVE. Look-alike by: Muse-gal Pictures by: Unknown