Tags archives: landing


Taylor Swift Sells Out in Minutes!!

taylor-fearless-tourFearless singer Taylor Swift’s first batch of tickets for her 2010 tour went on sale today- selling out in just a couple of minutes! Wow! Tickets for the four concerts on the New York area were sold out within two minutes of going on sale, said her representative, which is not surprising since the “Fearless” album has been atop of the billboard music charts for 24 weeks. Looks like you’re gonna have to act super fast if you want to get to one of her shows next year! The Platinum Edition of Taylor’s hit album Fearless is set to be released next month, with 6 brand new songs on it!


Cody Linley ‘Forget Me Not’ Hottie

091023-35Hannah Montana hunk Cody Linley attended the premiere of Forget me Not Thursday night in Los Angeles. At the premiere, Cody dished to sources that good friend Miley Cyrus had the Swine Flu while off sick from tour earlier this month. Turns out, those rumors are false! Miley has denied having the H1N1 virus, joking that she’s going to have to have ‘a talk’ with Cody.

