Tags archives: landingpageurl






Tinder Users at SXSW Are Falling For Her

But something is rather wrong. Once her instagram was opened, it became clear this is a viral marketing push for the sci-fi film  Ex Machina  which was playing at SXSW.  Just goes to show you not to get your hopes up on Tinder, because some women are pretending to be robots who are advertising their new movie. Someone has to fancy that, right



Jackass Steals a Jersey Girl's Car During an OK Cupid Date

Via Uproxx: It sounds like any other romantic evening of fine wining and dining in New Jersey — a sports bar in a small south Jersey town called Atco, and a red 2007 Toyota Solara with custom tags that read “JSRYGRL”. The date, who identified himself as Gennaro Aladena of Atlantic City, convinced the woman to bring him back to her place.