Tags archives: laughing-squid


Carbon Storm Trooper WIN

Leonard Carlson and three of his coworkers over at San Diego Composites (manufacturers of missile components and aerospace technology) used some of their excess materials to create these cool carbon-fiber Stormtrooper outfits. Submitted by: Unknown Via: Laughing Squid




Moses Did It First

RO&AD , an architectural firm whose name sounds very much like a quote from an intoxicated Chris Farley , recently designed The Trench Bridge. A pedestrian foot path designed to make us rethink the way we look at bridges, this one crosses the moat in front of Fort de Roovere in Halsteren. A neat concept, but one that would only be applicable on a small scale to bodies of water that stay at a constant depth



Historical Thursday: Hugo Gernsback and The Isolator

About a century ago, futuristic technology and writings of space travel became one of the foremost forms of print media. After publications of science fiction stories first became popular in Germany and Sweden, American writer Hugo Gernsback put together Amazing Stories , the first the first English magazine dedicated to the genre


Dr. Seuss Lovecraft WIN

DrFaustusAU of Australia remade the Lovecraft classic The Call of Cthulu as a Dr. Seuss book. He managed to nail the style perfectly, complete with that aged look that can only come from seeing a kid’s book change dozens of hands through an elementary school library.


Conspiracy Models WIN

These are some very clever mock-ups by the duo Ogilvy & Mather for Japanese model-manufacturer Tamiya. Another one to put in the “If only these were real” file. Check out more in the gallery below and some of their other work on their personal web page! Submitted by: Unknown Via: Laughing Squid