Now we’ve left the realm of “shoes,” and entered “colored pegs” Submitted by: piggyshairbrush PinterestFacebookTwitter
Hiding is a Sin WALDO! WE KNOW YOU’RE OUT THERE. COME CONFESS TO IL PAPA NOW. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Optimus Prices It’s a Transformer! It can turn into a WALMART in 43 secs! ( Barack and Michelle Obama ) LoL by: WilliamKeckler Picture by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Mad Thai-ence Monday: One Night In Bangkok And You’re Surrounded By Oysters As the water finally starts to recede from the devastating floods in Thailand, people are beginning return home, in whatever way they can . PinterestFacebookTwitter
Party Rock is in the Kremlin Tonight every day I’m shufflin’ past failed ideology LoL by: DJAussie Picture by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter