You Still Look GORGEOUS, Bro! How Do You Do It? OMG bro, why are you so naturally mansome? Jealousssssssss! Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Soul Patch? We’ve Got a Marker For That I’m pretty sure Crayola has a special package just for these. Specialized felt tips and whatnot. Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Lips in Disguise! I mean, you need some sort of lip-decor to match your handbag, right? Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Ask Not For Whom the Bell Tolls… School spirit days are getting out of hand these days. I mean, “Prey Upon the Souls of the Damned Day”? PinterestFacebookTwitter
Angelina NOPE-lie We’ve got to send ladies a memo about this “purple lips” thing. Normally that’s the sign that you’re at a Halloween party or are severely oxygen deprived. Spread the word! Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Plus, Multiplication, Exponential, Close Enough Point is, I understand this makeup job about as much as I understand math. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Photoshop Harder! I think I can still detect pores and the resemblance of nasal passages, clearly we need more smudge tool and contrast! Submitted by: nashnash PinterestFacebookTwitter
Somebody Re-Paint That Face, Please I hate it when clowns walk around at your party as if that’s not even weird AT ALL. Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
Human, or Mannequin? I mean, we are in the age of plastics after all. I can’t really tell anymore. Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter