Tags archives: may-not








Poorly Dressed: Coming in Fall 2010...

This footwear is under construction. Please stay back 50 feet. Authorized personnel only—hard hat required.

They may not look like much now, but when they’re finished, they’ll be something to behold:

Poorly Dressed: Coming in Fall 2010...



WOW meets Origami? Seriously.


I wish with all my heart I could say that I’ve played world of warcraft before. When I was in junior high, I played a little starcraft on the computer and I actually can’t even remember if that was what it was called. Anyways. I love that world of warcraft (aka WOW) has become a huge phenomenon. I think it’s hilarious. You can really tell something has hit home if people have started creating origami figures. Check these out:





[via Wow Paper Craft Blog ]

We may not carry patterns or cool colored paper on our site, but we do have cardstock and you can use your imagination!