Tags archives: mistakes-were


Today in Art Appreciation

“Painter” Jon McNaughton has released his latest “painting” which features a man holding up the constitution… and an inexplicable wad of cash. So what I’m getting from this is that he’s trying to scalp the constitution right in front of the White House. And look! John Madison is begging him not to do it



Failbook: Twitter and the Death of Kim Jong Il

Last night, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il died. Since then, news of the demise of the diminutive despot has not only caused Team America: World Police references to trend on Twitter , but provided hilarious reactions from the internationally-aware to those who have no idea what happened.




Side-by-Side Bike

Also known at the Sociable, the side-by-side tandem bike has actually been around since the 19th century. Commonly used for courting couples or newlyweds, the bicycle is seeing a resurgence with hackers and DIY enthusiasts. One guide by Instructables user carlitos is a simple weld job consisting of nothing more than an extra seat, pedals, crank and some tubing