This Construction Crew Isn’t Inspiring Confidence So you see, your entertainment system will be kind of like this. But good. And inside PinterestFacebookTwitter
Made in China, Fixed In America Also, gross. Could you have zoomed out a little more? PinterestFacebookTwitter
Bike and Pony Show Hate getting very little exercise but smelling horse farts? Then this is the vehicle for you! ~NSHA Submitted by: danielnerytondo PinterestFacebookTwitter
No Bike Rack? No Problem! He’s taking “share the road” to a whole new level. PinterestFacebookTwitter
He Doesn’t Want To Work Today So he’s hiding from the foreman. I hope nothing gives him away. PinterestFacebookTwitter
Protip: Bathing In Rainwater Saves The Planet It also saves the mosquitoes. ~NSHA Submitted by: tristan Via: i made it PinterestFacebookTwitter
Faucet Had a Rough Night Out Sweet water damage, man! Put down the camera a pick up a wrench! ~NSHA Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter
No More Computer Bugs No more floppy disks either. Good luck trying to play Commander Keen! ~NSHA Submitted by: Unknown PinterestFacebookTwitter